Top 10k strings from 2003 - A Space Oddity (1984)(DK'Tronics)[a].tzx
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3 ;"TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN"; 2 d$="You have "+ 2 " nothing": 2 " Stone ";: 2 1 y$="wWeENnlLrRfF" 1 x=(256-xs*8* 1 s1+" Laser Bolts": 1 print monster 1 no go here 1 m1+" DEAD": 1 h1+" % STRENGTH": 1 g1=g1+r+extra 1 g1+" G/Units": 1 extra=r*((j1*25 1 elementals 1 depict options 1 d1=(a$="l" 1 d$=w$(a(1))+" "+w$(a(2))+" "+w$(a(3)): 1 d$="You now have "+ 1 d$="You are now on level "+ 1 d$="You also have a "+ 1 d$="Status Report": 1 d$="SCORE="+ 1 d$="MONSTERS ="+ 1 create monster 1 create area around centre 1 coun=coun+1 1 a=(a$="c")+(a$="C")+2 1 LAsER BLAST 1 C.FAYERS,1983 1 BLACK HOLE 1 ;r;" of which you"'' 1 ;d1;"% of strength"': 1 ;d1;" % of strenth" 1 ;d1;" % of strength ": 1 ;"your treasure": 1 ;"treasure"' 1 ;"treasure ": 1 ;"to have any": 1 ;"quarks , you loose ": 1 ;"is dead ": 1 ;"is angry,he advances ": 1 ;"and took all "' 1 ;"a pool of"'' 1 ;"You lost ";d1;" % of strength " 1 ;"You had a terrific battle"' 1 ;"You fell down a 1 ;"Would you like another game " 1 ;"What now ?" 1 ;"WHICH DIRECTION ?": 1 ;"UNKNOWN INGREDIENT"; 1 ;"This DIMENSION ": 1 ;"There are:" 1 ;"The space ship " 1 ;"The now laser zapped": 1 ;"The DIMENSION": 1 ;"TOUCH ANY KEY TO START": 1 ;"PRESS C TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"Now what ?" 1 ;"Magnitude:";h*10 1 ;"GOOD LUCK !.....TOUCH ANY KEY" 1 ;"G-Go in,L-Leave,H-Help" 1 ;" don't seem"' 1 ;"Do you want to open it ?" 1 ;"DIM-Door ..O-open or L-listen" 1 ;"C-Combat(mental)";",L-laser";",R-RUN": 1 ;"But he killed you"' 1 ;"At the bottom there is ": 1 ;"And you killed him": 1 ;"..hitting"'" them will lead to tears." 1 ;"..he attacks": 1 ;"...Chicken ?": 1 ;"+ some more refills": 1 ;"+ an Energy Pill": 1 ;"+ a medium strength pill": 1 ;"+ a little laser refill": 1 ;"+ a REAL MEAL": 1 ;"+ a Laser refill": 1 ;"+ a Guide book": 1 ;"+ a Double Strength Pill": 1 ;"+ ";r;" Galactic units" 1 ;"+ ";extra;" units due to your"'" LUCKSTONE" 1 ;" you have"'" materialized in another time"'" and DIMENSION."'" On your way back to EARTH, "'" (hopefully),you will encounter"'" all sorts of MONSTERS and " 1 ;" with the ": 1 ;" some asteroids,": 1 ;" hit,losing ";: 1 ;" find "; 1 ;" and is still alive!": 1 ;" Your options are:"'' 1 ;" WEST ";w$(a(1 1 ;" P.T.O...TOUCH ANY KEY" 1 ;" P.T.O....TOUCH ANY KEY" 1 ;" NORTH ";w$(a(2 1 ;" Hurry up!HE'S getting restless" 1 ;" EAST ";w$(a(3 1 ;" % luckstone" 1 ;" Vogon": 1 ;" Umber hulk ": 1 ;" There is no TREASURE"'" It was an illusion ": 1 ;" TOUCH ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;" Sorry,you are at level one": 1 ;" Red ";: 1 ;" Purple worm ": 1 ;" Ice devil ": 1 ;" Green ";: 1 ;" Frost ";: 1 ;" Dear traveller,"'" Due to a strange combination"'" of weeties,milk,sugar and an"'" "; 1 ;" Blue ";: 1 ;" Black Hole "; 1 ;" Black ";: 1 ;" Bad luck!!!---HE attacks " 1 6666666666666666666666666666666662222222222222222222222222222226622222222222222222222222222222266221111111111111111111111111222662211111111111111111111111112226622111111111111111111111111122266221111111111111111111111111222662200000000000000000000000002226622000000000000000000000000022266221111111111111222222222222222662211111111111112222222222222226622222222222222222222222222222266 1 *(a$="l")+2 1 *(a$="L"): 1 )="TIMEGATE": 1 )="FORCEFIELD": 1 )="ALIEN S/S": 1 )=" DOWN": 1 )=" DOOR": 1 )=" UP": 1 );"C-Combat"; 1 );"ALIVE " 1 );",R-RUN" 1 );",L-laser"; 1 )+" % luckstone": 1 (m1*l1+(g1/10 1 ''" (5) When you are bored with"'" seeing the TIMEGATES drawn,"'" press ~G~ whilst ~WHICH "'" DIRECTION~ is on the screen" 1 ''" And finally,a STATUS REPORT"'" is available by pressing key"'" ~S~.This command is not "'" accepted during ~COMBAT or"'" LASER~" 1 '" You hear " 1 '" You can't move there "; 1 '" But as you have a liking for"''" force fields....": 1 " Trolls Ghost ": 1 " Orian Vampire ": 1 " Electronic Dispatcher ": 1 " Deep space Serpent ": 1 " Alien blatter beetle": 1 " (4) GALACTIC UNITS: small round objects" 1 " (3) EARTH..this is a small,"'" insignificant planet,inhabited"'" by small ape-like creatures,"'" from where you came before"'" this all started." 1 " (2) Hitting NASTIES that are"'" stronger than you can cause"'" a severe case of DEATH." 1 " wolf ";: 1 " tiger ";: 1 " rat ";: 1 " making noises": 1 " it collapses,you loose": 1 " is empty": 1 " has ";d1;" % of strength": 1 " contains " 1 " boar ";: 1 " bear ";: 1 " You might accumulate lots of"'" treasure,(GALACTIC UNITS),"'" KILL lots of ALIEN THINGYS"'" "; 1 " Xorn ": 1 " White ";: 1 " Venturian bloodsucker ": 1 " Vectored ";: 1 " Type "; 1 " To assist you in your totally"'" pointless task there follows"'" a list of useless information." 1 " Time Lord ": 1 " Sun ";: 1 " Storm ";: 1 " Squarm ": 1 " Space wabbit ": 1 " Space Invader ": 1 " Snivelling planet eater ": 1 " Romulan ": 1 " Pit fiend ": 1 " Oric ": 1 " Nebula ": 1 " NASTIES, and to be honest,you"'" are likely to be grabbed by"'" the ghoulies." 1 " Mummy": 1 " Multi-dimensional being ": 1 " Mouth from DEEP SPACE ": 1 " Minorsentorian nail biter ": 1 " Mindflayer ": 1 " Medusa ": 1 " Manchester MK.1 ": 1 " Lost Troll ": 1 " Lich ";: 1 " Iron ";: 1 " Intellect devourer ": 1 " Hydrogen Burper ": 1 " Humanoid ": 1 " Horned devil ": 1 " Hell hound ": 1 " Giant ": 1 " Flesh ";: 1 " Evil Spawn ": 1 " Earth ";: 1 " Demon ": 1 " Deep Space Hopper ": 1 " Dalek ": 1 " Crosseyed ";: 1 " Clay ";: 1 " Centipede ": 1 " Bug eyed thingy ": 1 " Bone devil ": 1 " Barbed devil hunter": 1 " Asteroid ": 1 " Android ": 1 " 111 ";: 1 " arrives"'': 1 " *****************"'" (1) FORCEFIELDS "; 1 CHRIS FAYERS 1983":